The Theory of Everything, directed by James Marsh, is the story of British physicist Stephen W. Hawking and his first wife, Jane Wilde. The film begins in the early 1960's with Stephen Hawking studying physics at Cambridge, where he meets Jane. Just as Hawking is establishing himself as one of the leading scientists of his generation, he is diagnosed with ALS, a progressive nuerodegenitive disease, and is given two years to live. The film continues to tell the story of Stephen and Jane in the years after Hawking's diagnosis.
The Theory of Everything is a spectacular, inspiring look at an amazing and inspirational life. I was most impressed with the acting of Eddie Redmayne, who played Stephen Hawking. Just in physical terms, Redmayne's portrayal of Hawking is remarkable. Honestly, I don't know how he was able to move into some of the positions he did, and talk the way he did. The physical resemblence between Redmayne and the young Stephen Hawking is uncanny, and the emotion that he portrayed in his facial expressions alone was impressive, real, and heartwarming. I was fully convinced and deeply moved by Redmayne and the movie as a whole.
I have only one issue with this film: If I was Stephen Hawking, one of the smartest and most influential scientists in history and the longest ALS survivor, I would be a little upset that they made a movie about my love life.
Left: Stephen Hawking and wife Jane Wilde. Right: Redmayne and Jones
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